Custom Query (14 matches)


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Status: closed (14 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#121 handling errors in 'tahoe get' zooko defect major 0.7.0 fixed
#606 backupdb: add directory cache enhancement major 1.2.0 fixed
#646 CLI should report webapi errors better defect major 1.3.0 fixed
#729 Tahoe backup should WARN and go on when finding errors like: links to deleted files or access/read permission denied in local files/directories francois defect major 1.4.1 fixed
#741 tahoe create-alias corrupts the aliases file if it does not have a trailing newline davidsarah defect major 1.4.1 fixed
#742 "tahoe cp --help" doesn't explain tahoe cp clearly enough to a new user davidsarah defect major 1.4.1 fixed
#761 "tahoe cp $DIRCAP/$PATH $LOCAL" raises AttributeError warner defect major 1.4.1 fixed
#771 tahoe ls doesn't work on files nobody defect major 1.4.1 fixed
#828 use mkdir-immutable in "tahoe backup" warner enhancement major 1.5.0 fixed
#850 tahoe backup loops on recursive links defect major 1.5.0 fixed
#856 Mention 'tahoe run' in running.html, and improve tahoe --help text davidsarah enhancement major 1.5.0 fixed
#866 HTML-formatted exceptions shouldn't be output by CLI commands defect major 1.5.0 duplicate
#460 cp -rv fails rather gracelessly in face of network quake defect minor 1.1.0 fixed
#892 Command synopses should refer to "grid" rather than "virtual drive" davidsarah defect minor 1.5.0 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.