Custom Query (10 matches)


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Status: closed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#941 SFTP frontend fails when listing a directory containing a mutable file, because it relies on node.get_size() to be an integer davidsarah defect critical 1.6.0 fixed
#1038 new SFTP implementation unicode issues with OpenSSH sftp client nobody defect critical 1.6.1 fixed
#294 make the option of random-key encryption available through the wui and cli warner enhancement major 0.7.0 duplicate
#531 SFTP frontend needs tests davidsarah defect major 1.2.0 duplicate
#578 I want to check a file using its verify-cap. defect major 1.2.0 duplicate
#645 connecting to sftp frontend using sshfs fails from linux client azazel defect major 1.3.0 fixed
#991 avoid caching plaintext in gateway to satisfy range requests defect major 1.6.0 duplicate
#1037 new SFTP implementation zooko enhancement major 1.6.1 fixed
#1040 SFTP interface not working over sshfs on OS X josipl defect major 1.6.1 fixed
#1063 SFTP: semantics of writing an entry to an immutable file in a writeable directory defect major 1.6.1 fixed
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