Custom Query (14 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Cc Status Owner Type Priority
#324 use POST for operations whose noun doesn't denote the same resource that a GET would denote, or that have side effects kpreid@… new defect major
#835 "tahoe cp -r --mutable/--immutable": make mutable copy of immutable directories or vice versa kpreid, amontero new enhancement major
#864 Automated migration of shares between storage servers kpreid, amontero@… new enhancement major
#897 "tahoe backup" thinks "ctime" means "creation time" kpreid@…, zooko new warner defect major
#947 Add file-with-metadata caps kpreid, jeremy@… assigned davidsarah enhancement major
#971 "Humanized failures" should still have a traceback, hidden by default kpreid@… assigned davidsarah enhancement major
#1047 Upload failures should report useful HTTP status lines kpreid new nobody enhancement major
#1300 turn on garbage collection by default, offer obvious deep-repair-lease, warn about unset config kpreid, vladimir@… new nobody enhancement major
#689 web documents should be constructed out of unicode strings kpreid new enhancement minor
#691 improve WUI directory page according to a new user's first impressions kpreid assigned zooko enhancement minor
#707 use local storage server as encrypted cache kpreid, vikarti@… new nobody enhancement minor
#818 Output of tahoe deep-check --repair is hard to skim kpreid new enhancement minor
#858 extra deep-check stats: unhealthiness of each file kpreid new enhancement minor
#1185 discuss and select from logo designs kpreid@…, marcus@… new zooko task minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.