source: trunk/src/allmydata/util/

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2I contain utilities useful for calculating servers_of_happiness, and for
3reporting it in messages.
5Ported to Python 3.
8from copy import deepcopy
9from allmydata.immutable.happiness_upload import residual_network
10from allmydata.immutable.happiness_upload import augmenting_path_for
13def failure_message(peer_count, k, happy, effective_happy):
14    # If peer_count < needed_shares, this error message makes more
15    # sense than any of the others, so use it.
16    if peer_count < k:
17        msg = ("shares could be placed or found on only %d "
18               "server(s). "
19               "We were asked to place shares on at least %d "
20               "server(s) such that any %d of them have "
21               "enough shares to recover the file." %
22                (peer_count, happy, k))
23    # Otherwise, if we've placed on at least needed_shares
24    # peers, but there isn't an x-happy subset of those peers
25    # for x >= needed_shares, we use this error message.
26    elif effective_happy < k:
27        msg = ("shares could be placed or found on %d "
28               "server(s), but they are not spread out evenly "
29               "enough to ensure that any %d of these servers "
30               "would have enough shares to recover the file. "
31               "We were asked to place "
32               "shares on at least %d servers such that any "
33               "%d of them have enough shares to recover the "
34               "file." %
35                (peer_count, k, happy, k))
36    # Otherwise, if there is an x-happy subset of peers where
37    # x >= needed_shares, but x < servers_of_happiness, then
38    # we use this message.
39    else:
40        msg = ("shares could be placed on only %d server(s) "
41               "such that any %d of them have enough shares "
42               "to recover the file, but we were asked to "
43               "place shares on at least %d such servers." %
44                (effective_happy, k, happy))
45    return msg
48def shares_by_server(servermap):
49    """
50    I accept a dict of shareid -> set(peerid) mappings, and return a
51    dict of peerid -> set(shareid) mappings. My argument is a dictionary
52    with sets of peers, indexed by shares, and I transform that into a
53    dictionary of sets of shares, indexed by peerids.
54    """
55    ret = {}
56    for shareid, peers in servermap.items():
57        assert isinstance(peers, set)
58        for peerid in peers:
59            ret.setdefault(peerid, set()).add(shareid)
60    return ret
62def merge_servers(servermap, upload_trackers=None):
63    """
64    I accept a dict of shareid -> set(serverid) mappings, and optionally a
65    set of ServerTrackers. If no set of ServerTrackers is provided, I return
66    my first argument unmodified. Otherwise, I update a copy of my first
67    argument to include the shareid -> serverid mappings implied in the
68    set of ServerTrackers, returning the resulting dict.
69    """
70    # Since we mutate servermap, and are called outside of a
71    # context where it is okay to do that, make a copy of servermap and
72    # work with it.
73    servermap = deepcopy(servermap)
74    if not upload_trackers:
75        return servermap
77    assert(isinstance(servermap, dict))
78    assert(isinstance(upload_trackers, set))
80    for tracker in upload_trackers:
81        for shnum in tracker.buckets:
82            servermap.setdefault(shnum, set()).add(tracker.get_serverid())
83    return servermap
86def servers_of_happiness(sharemap):
87    """
88    I accept 'sharemap', a dict of shareid -> set(peerid) mappings. I
89    return the 'servers_of_happiness' number that sharemap results in.
91    To calculate the 'servers_of_happiness' number for the sharemap, I
92    construct a bipartite graph with servers in one partition of vertices
93    and shares in the other, and with an edge between a server s and a share t
94    if s is to store t. I then compute the size of a maximum matching in
95    the resulting graph; this is then returned as the 'servers_of_happiness'
96    for my arguments.
98    For example, consider the following layout:
100      server 1: shares 1, 2, 3, 4
101      server 2: share 6
102      server 3: share 3
103      server 4: share 4
104      server 5: share 2
106    From this, we can construct the following graph:
108      L = {server 1, server 2, server 3, server 4, server 5}
109      R = {share 1, share 2, share 3, share 4, share 6}
110      V = L U R
111      E = {(server 1, share 1), (server 1, share 2), (server 1, share 3),
112           (server 1, share 4), (server 2, share 6), (server 3, share 3),
113           (server 4, share 4), (server 5, share 2)}
114      G = (V, E)
116    Note that G is bipartite since every edge in e has one endpoint in L
117    and one endpoint in R.
119    A matching in a graph G is a subset M of E such that, for any vertex
120    v in V, v is incident to at most one edge of M. A maximum matching
121    in G is a matching that is no smaller than any other matching. For
122    this graph, a matching of cardinality 5 is:
124      M = {(server 1, share 1), (server 2, share 6),
125           (server 3, share 3), (server 4, share 4),
126           (server 5, share 2)}
128    Since G is bipartite, and since |L| = 5, we cannot have an M' such
129    that |M'| > |M|. Then M is a maximum matching in G. Intuitively, and
130    as long as k <= 5, we can see that the layout above has
131    servers_of_happiness = 5, which matches the results here.
132    """
133    if sharemap == {}:
134        return 0
135    servermap = shares_by_server(sharemap)
136    graph = _flow_network_for(servermap)
138    # XXX this core stuff is identical to
139    # happiness_upload._compute_maximum_graph and we should find a way
140    # to share the code.
142    # This is an implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson method for finding
143    # a maximum flow in a flow network applied to a bipartite graph.
144    # Specifically, it is the Edmonds-Karp algorithm, since it uses a
145    # BFS to find the shortest augmenting path at each iteration, if one
146    # exists.
147    #
148    # The implementation here is an adapation of an algorithm described in
149    # "Introduction to Algorithms", Cormen et al, 2nd ed., pp 658-662.
150    dim = len(graph)
151    flow_function = [[0 for sh in range(dim)] for s in range(dim)]
152    residual_graph, residual_function = residual_network(graph, flow_function)
153    while augmenting_path_for(residual_graph):
154        path = augmenting_path_for(residual_graph)
155        # Delta is the largest amount that we can increase flow across
156        # all of the edges in path. Because of the way that the residual
157        # function is constructed, f[u][v] for a particular edge (u, v)
158        # is the amount of unused capacity on that edge. Taking the
159        # minimum of a list of those values for each edge in the
160        # augmenting path gives us our delta.
161        delta = min(residual_function[u][v] for (u, v) in path)
162        for (u, v) in path:
163            flow_function[u][v] += delta
164            flow_function[v][u] -= delta
165        residual_graph, residual_function = residual_network(graph,
166                                                             flow_function)
167    num_servers = len(servermap)
168    # The value of a flow is the total flow out of the source vertex
169    # (vertex 0, in our graph). We could just as well sum across all of
170    # f[0], but we know that vertex 0 only has edges to the servers in
171    # our graph, so we can stop after summing flow across those. The
172    # value of a flow computed in this way is the size of a maximum
173    # matching on the bipartite graph described above.
174    return sum([flow_function[0][v] for v in range(1, num_servers+1)])
176def _flow_network_for(servermap):
177    """
178    I take my argument, a dict of peerid -> set(shareid) mappings, and
179    turn it into a flow network suitable for use with Edmonds-Karp. I
180    then return the adjacency list representation of that network.
182    Specifically, I build G = (V, E), where:
183      V = { peerid in servermap } U { shareid in servermap } U {s, t}
184      E = {(s, peerid) for each peerid}
185          U {(peerid, shareid) if peerid is to store shareid }
186          U {(shareid, t) for each shareid}
188    s and t will be source and sink nodes when my caller starts treating
189    the graph I return like a flow network. Without s and t, the
190    returned graph is bipartite.
191    """
192    # Servers don't have integral identifiers, and we can't make any
193    # assumptions about the way shares are indexed -- it's possible that
194    # there are missing shares, for example. So before making a graph,
195    # we re-index so that all of our vertices have integral indices, and
196    # that there aren't any holes. We start indexing at 1, so that we
197    # can add a source node at index 0.
198    servermap, num_shares = _reindex(servermap, base_index=1)
199    num_servers = len(servermap)
200    graph = [] # index -> [index], an adjacency list
201    # Add an entry at the top (index 0) that has an edge to every server
202    # in servermap
203    graph.append(list(servermap.keys()))
204    # For each server, add an entry that has an edge to every share that it
205    # contains (or will contain).
206    for k in servermap:
207        graph.append(servermap[k])
208    # For each share, add an entry that has an edge to the sink.
209    sink_num = num_servers + num_shares + 1
210    for i in range(num_shares):
211        graph.append([sink_num])
212    # Add an empty entry for the sink, which has no outbound edges.
213    graph.append([])
214    return graph
217# XXX warning: this is different from happiness_upload's _reindex!
218def _reindex(servermap, base_index):
219    """
220    Given servermap, I map peerids and shareids to integers that don't
221    conflict with each other, so they're useful as indices in a graph. I
222    return a servermap that is reindexed appropriately, and also the
223    number of distinct shares in the resulting servermap as a convenience
224    for my caller. base_index tells me where to start indexing.
225    """
226    shares  = {} # shareid  -> vertex index
227    num = base_index
228    ret = {} # peerid -> [shareid], a reindexed servermap.
229    # Number the servers first
230    for k in servermap:
231        ret[num] = servermap[k]
232        num += 1
233    # Number the shares
234    for k in ret:
235        for shnum in ret[k]:
236            if shnum not in shares:
237                shares[shnum] = num
238                num += 1
239        ret[k] = [shares[x] for x in ret[k]]
240    return (ret, len(shares))
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