""" Tests for the TLS part of the HTTP Storage Protocol. More broadly, these are tests for HTTPS usage as replacement for Foolscap's server authentication logic, which may one day apply outside of HTTP Storage Protocol. """ from contextlib import asynccontextmanager from base64 import b64decode from yaml import safe_load from cryptography import x509 from twisted.internet.endpoints import serverFromString from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.defer import maybeDeferred from twisted.web.server import Site from twisted.web.static import Data from twisted.web.client import Agent, HTTPConnectionPool, ResponseNeverReceived from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath from treq.client import HTTPClient from .common import SyncTestCase, AsyncTestCase, SameProcessStreamEndpointAssigner from .certs import ( generate_certificate, generate_private_key, private_key_to_file, cert_to_file, ) from ..storage.http_common import get_spki, get_spki_hash from ..storage.http_client import _StorageClientHTTPSPolicy from ..storage.http_server import _TLSEndpointWrapper from ..util.deferredutil import async_to_deferred from .common_system import spin_until_cleanup_done spki_test_vectors_path = FilePath(__file__).sibling("data").child("spki-hash-test-vectors.yaml") class HTTPSNurlTests(SyncTestCase): """Tests for HTTPS NURLs.""" def test_spki_hash(self): """ The output of ``get_spki_hash()`` matches the semantics of RFC 7469. The test vector certificates were generated using the openssl command line tool:: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365 The expected hash was generated using Appendix A instructions in the RFC:: openssl x509 -noout -in certificate.pem -pubkey | \ openssl asn1parse -noout -inform pem -out public.key openssl dgst -sha256 -binary public.key | openssl enc -base64 The OpenSSL base64-encoded output was then adjusted into the URL-safe base64 variation: `+` and `/` were replaced with `-` and `_` and the trailing `=` padding was removed. The expected SubjectPublicKeyInfo bytes were extracted from the implementation of `get_spki_hash` after its result matched the expected value generated by the command above. """ spki_cases = safe_load(spki_test_vectors_path.getContent())["vector"] for n, case in enumerate(spki_cases): certificate_text = case["certificate"].encode("ascii") expected_spki = b64decode(case["expected-spki"]) expected_hash = case["expected-hash"].encode("ascii") try: certificate = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(certificate_text) except Exception as e: self.fail(f"Loading case {n} certificate failed: {e}") self.assertEqual( expected_spki, get_spki(certificate), f"case {n} spki data mismatch", ) self.assertEqual( expected_hash, get_spki_hash(certificate), f"case {n} spki hash mismatch", ) class PinningHTTPSValidation(AsyncTestCase): """ Test client-side validation logic of HTTPS certificates that uses Tahoe-LAFS's pinning-based scheme instead of the traditional certificate authority scheme. https://cryptography.io/en/latest/x509/tutorial/#creating-a-self-signed-certificate """ def setUp(self): self._port_assigner = SameProcessStreamEndpointAssigner() self._port_assigner.setUp() self.addCleanup(self._port_assigner.tearDown) return AsyncTestCase.setUp(self) def tearDown(self): d = maybeDeferred(AsyncTestCase.tearDown, self) return d.addCallback(lambda _: spin_until_cleanup_done()) @asynccontextmanager async def listen(self, private_key_path: FilePath, cert_path: FilePath): """ Context manager that runs a HTTPS server with the given private key and certificate. Returns a URL that will connect to the server. """ location_hint, endpoint_string = self._port_assigner.assign(reactor) underlying_endpoint = serverFromString(reactor, endpoint_string) endpoint = _TLSEndpointWrapper.from_paths( underlying_endpoint, private_key_path, cert_path ) root = Data(b"YOYODYNE", "text/plain") root.isLeaf = True listening_port = await endpoint.listen(Site(root)) try: yield f"{listening_port.getHost().port}/" # type: ignore[attr-defined] finally: result = listening_port.stopListening() if result is not None: await result def request(self, url: str, expected_certificate: x509.Certificate): """ Send a HTTPS request to the given URL, ensuring that the given certificate is the one used via SPKI-hash-based pinning comparison. """ # No persistent connections, so we don't have dirty reactor at the end # of the test. treq_client = HTTPClient( Agent( reactor, _StorageClientHTTPSPolicy( expected_spki_hash=get_spki_hash(expected_certificate) ), pool=HTTPConnectionPool(reactor, persistent=False), ) ) return treq_client.get(url) @async_to_deferred async def test_success(self): """ If all conditions are met, a TLS client using the Tahoe-LAFS policy can connect to the server. """ private_key = generate_private_key() certificate = generate_certificate(private_key) async with self.listen( private_key_to_file(FilePath(self.mktemp()), private_key), cert_to_file(FilePath(self.mktemp()), certificate), ) as url: response = await self.request(url, certificate) self.assertEqual(await response.content(), b"YOYODYNE") @async_to_deferred async def test_server_certificate_has_wrong_hash(self): """ If the server's certificate hash doesn't match the hash the client expects, the request to the server fails. """ private_key1 = generate_private_key() certificate1 = generate_certificate(private_key1) private_key2 = generate_private_key() certificate2 = generate_certificate(private_key2) async with self.listen( private_key_to_file(FilePath(self.mktemp()), private_key1), cert_to_file(FilePath(self.mktemp()), certificate1), ) as url: with self.assertRaises(ResponseNeverReceived): await self.request(url, certificate2) @async_to_deferred async def test_server_certificate_expired(self): """ If the server's certificate has expired, the request to the server succeeds if the hash matches the one the client expects; expiration has no effect. """ private_key = generate_private_key() certificate = generate_certificate(private_key, expires_days=-10) async with self.listen( private_key_to_file(FilePath(self.mktemp()), private_key), cert_to_file(FilePath(self.mktemp()), certificate), ) as url: response = await self.request(url, certificate) self.assertEqual(await response.content(), b"YOYODYNE") @async_to_deferred async def test_server_certificate_not_valid_yet(self): """ If the server's certificate is only valid starting in The Future, the request to the server succeeds if the hash matches the one the client expects; start time has no effect. """ private_key = generate_private_key() certificate = generate_certificate( private_key, expires_days=10, valid_in_days=5 ) async with self.listen( private_key_to_file(FilePath(self.mktemp()), private_key), cert_to_file(FilePath(self.mktemp()), certificate), ) as url: response = await self.request(url, certificate) self.assertEqual(await response.content(), b"YOYODYNE") # A potential attack to test is a private key that doesn't match the # certificate... but OpenSSL (quite rightly) won't let you listen with that # so I don't know how to test that! See # https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/3884