1 | |
2 | import mock |
3 | from twisted.trial import unittest |
4 | |
5 | from allmydata.test.common_util import ReallyEqualMixin |
6 | from allmydata.test.mock_s3 import MockS3Bucket |
7 | |
8 | # This is the code that we're going to be testing. |
9 | from allmydata import node |
10 | from allmydata.storage.server import StorageServer |
11 | from allmydata.storage.backends.null.null_backend import NullBackend |
12 | from allmydata.storage.backends.disk.disk_backend import DiskBackend, si_si2dir |
13 | from allmydata.storage.backends.s3.s3_backend import S3Backend |
14 | |
15 | |
16 | # The following share file content was generated with |
17 | # storage.immutable.ShareFile from Tahoe-LAFS v1.8.2 |
18 | # with share data == 'a'. The total size of this input |
19 | # is 85 bytes. |
20 | shareversionnumber = '\x00\x00\x00\x01' |
21 | sharedatalength = '\x00\x00\x00\x01' |
22 | numberofleases = '\x00\x00\x00\x01' |
23 | shareinputdata = 'a' |
24 | ownernumber = '\x00\x00\x00\x00' |
25 | renewsecret = 'x'*32 |
26 | cancelsecret = 'y'*32 |
27 | expirationtime = '\x00(\xde\x80' |
28 | nextlease = '' |
29 | containerdata = shareversionnumber + sharedatalength + numberofleases |
30 | client_data = shareinputdata + ownernumber + renewsecret + \ |
31 | cancelsecret + expirationtime + nextlease |
32 | share_data = containerdata + client_data |
33 | testnodeid = 'testnodeidxxxxxxxxxx' |
34 | |
35 | |
36 | class TestServerWithNullBackend(unittest.TestCase, ReallyEqualMixin): |
37 | """ NullBackend is just for testing and executable documentation, so |
38 | this test is actually a test of StorageServer in which we're using |
39 | NullBackend as helper code for the test, rather than a test of |
40 | NullBackend. """ |
41 | def setUp(self): |
42 | self.ss = StorageServer(testnodeid, NullBackend()) |
43 | |
44 | @mock.patch('os.mkdir') |
45 | @mock.patch('__builtin__.open') |
46 | @mock.patch('os.listdir') |
47 | @mock.patch('os.path.isdir') |
48 | def test_write_share(self, mockisdir, mocklistdir, mockopen, mockmkdir): |
49 | """ |
50 | Write a new share. This tests that StorageServer's remote_allocate_buckets |
51 | generates the correct return types when given test-vector arguments. That |
52 | bs is of the correct type is verified by attempting to invoke remote_write |
53 | on bs[0]. |
54 | """ |
55 | alreadygot, bs = self.ss.remote_allocate_buckets('teststorage_index', 'x'*32, 'y'*32, set((0,)), 1, mock.Mock()) |
56 | bs[0].remote_write(0, 'a') |
57 | self.failIf(mockisdir.called) |
58 | self.failIf(mocklistdir.called) |
59 | self.failIf(mockopen.called) |
60 | self.failIf(mockmkdir.called) |
61 | |
62 | |
63 | #class ServerWithS3Backend(Server): |
64 | # def create(self, name, reserved_space=0): |
65 | # workdir = self.workdir(name) |
66 | # s3bucket = MockS3Bucket(workdir) |
67 | # backend = S3Backend(s3bucket, readonly=False, reserved_space=reserved_space) |
68 | # ss = StorageServer("\x00" * 20, backend, workdir, |
69 | # stats_provider=FakeStatsProvider()) |
70 | # ss.setServiceParent(self.sparent) |
71 | # return ss |
72 | |
73 | |
74 | #class ServerWithDiskBackend(Server): |
75 | # def create(self, name, reserved_space=0, klass=StorageServer): |
76 | # workdir = self.workdir(name) |
77 | # backend = DiskBackend(workdir) |
78 | # ss = StorageServer("\x00" * 20, backend, workdir, |
79 | # stats_provider=FakeStatsProvider()) |
80 | # ss.setServiceParent(self.sparent) |
81 | # return ss |
82 | |
83 | |
84 | class Server(ReallyEqualMixin): |
85 | """ This tests the StorageServer with a given back-end. """ |
86 | def set_up(self): |
87 | self.backend = DiskBackend(self.storedir) |
88 | self.ss = StorageServer(testnodeid, self.backend) |
89 | |
90 | self.backendwithreserve = DiskBackend(self.storedir, reserved_space = 1) |
91 | self.sswithreserve = StorageServer(testnodeid, self.backendwithreserve) |
92 | |
93 | @mock.patch('time.time') |
94 | def test_write_and_read_share(self, mocktime): |
95 | """ |
96 | Write a new share, read it, and test the server's (and disk backend's) |
97 | handling of simultaneous and successive attempts to write the same |
98 | share. |
99 | """ |
100 | mocktime.return_value = 0 |
101 | |
102 | shareset = self.ss.backend.get_shareset('teststorage_index') |
103 | |
104 | self.failIf(shareset.has_incoming(0)) |
105 | |
106 | # Populate incoming with the sharenum: 0. |
107 | alreadygot, bs = self.ss.remote_allocate_buckets('teststorage_index', 'x'*32, 'y'*32, frozenset((0,)), 1, mock.Mock()) |
108 | |
109 | # This is a white-box test: Inspect incoming and fail unless the sharenum: 0 is listed there. |
110 | self.failUnless(shareset.has_incoming(0)) |
111 | |
112 | # Attempt to create a second share writer with the same sharenum. |
113 | alreadygota, bsa = self.ss.remote_allocate_buckets('teststorage_index', 'x'*32, 'y'*32, frozenset((0,)), 1, mock.Mock()) |
114 | |
115 | # Show that no sharewriter results from a remote_allocate_buckets |
116 | # with the same si and sharenum, until BucketWriter.remote_close() |
117 | # has been called. |
118 | self.failIf(bsa) |
119 | |
120 | # Test allocated size. |
121 | spaceint = self.ss.allocated_size() |
122 | self.failUnlessReallyEqual(spaceint, 1) |
123 | |
124 | # Write 'a' to shnum 0. Only tested together with close and read. |
125 | bs[0].remote_write(0, 'a') |
126 | |
127 | # Preclose: Inspect final, failUnless nothing there. |
128 | self.failUnlessReallyEqual(len(list(self.backend.get_shares('teststorage_index'))), 0) |
129 | bs[0].remote_close() |
130 | |
131 | # Postclose: (Omnibus) failUnless written data is in final. |
132 | sharesinfinal = list(self.backend.get_shares('teststorage_index')) |
133 | self.failUnlessReallyEqual(len(sharesinfinal), 1) |
134 | contents = sharesinfinal[0].read_share_data(0, 73) |
135 | self.failUnlessReallyEqual(contents, client_data) |
136 | |
137 | # Exercise the case that the share we're asking to allocate is |
138 | # already (completely) uploaded. |
139 | self.ss.remote_allocate_buckets('teststorage_index', 'x'*32, 'y'*32, set((0,)), 1, mock.Mock()) |
140 | |
141 | |
142 | def test_read_old_share(self): |
143 | """ This tests whether the code correctly finds and reads |
144 | shares written out by old (Tahoe-LAFS <= v1.8.2) |
145 | servers. There is a similar test in test_download, but that one |
146 | is from the perspective of the client and exercises a deeper |
147 | stack of code. This one is for exercising just the |
148 | StorageServer object. """ |
149 | # Contruct a file with the appropriate contents in the mockfilesystem. |
150 | datalen = len(share_data) |
151 | finalhome = si_si2dir(self.basedir, 'teststorage_index').child(str(0)) |
152 | finalhome.setContent(share_data) |
153 | |
154 | # Now begin the test. |
155 | bs = self.ss.remote_get_buckets('teststorage_index') |
156 | |
157 | self.failUnlessEqual(len(bs), 1) |
158 | b = bs['0'] |
159 | # These should match by definition, the next two cases cover cases without (completely) unambiguous behaviors. |
160 | self.failUnlessReallyEqual(b.remote_read(0, datalen), client_data) |
161 | # If you try to read past the end you get the as much data as is there. |
162 | self.failUnlessReallyEqual(b.remote_read(0, datalen+20), client_data) |
163 | # If you start reading past the end of the file you get the empty string. |
164 | self.failUnlessReallyEqual(b.remote_read(datalen+1, 3), '') |
165 | |
166 | |
167 | class MockConfigParser(object): |
168 | def __init__(self, configged_vals): |
169 | self.configged_vals = configged_vals |
170 | def read(self, fname): |
171 | pass |
172 | def getboolean(self, section, option): |
173 | raise NotImplementedError |
174 | def get(self, section, option): |
175 | return self.configged_vals[(section, option)] |
176 | |
177 | |
178 | class TestConfigureBackends(ReallyEqualMixin, unittest.TestCase): |
179 | @mock.patch('ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser') |
180 | def test_configure_disk_backend_bad_reserved_space(self, mockCP): |
181 | mockCP.return_value = MockConfigParser({ |
182 | ("storage", "backend"): "disk", |
183 | ("storage", "reserved_space"): "not a real answer", |
184 | }) |
185 | |
186 | self.failUnlessRaises(node.MissingConfigEntry, Client) |