


14:52 Ticket #50 (Comp4P hash combiner) created by xueyu
the Comp4P hash combiner, which was constructed in …


06:01 Ticket #49 (implement 3DES) created by davidsarah
Wanted in order to take advantage of any fix to …
06:01 Ticket #48 (implement DSA) created by davidsarah
Wanted in order to take advantage of any fix to …


00:12 Ticket #47 (Startup selftests for AES+XSalsa20) created by randombit
The combined AES+XSalsa20 mode described in ticket 46 should have a …
00:11 Ticket #46 (Add combined AES+XSalsa20 cipher module) created by randombit
For preserving confidentiality in the event of a break in AES, we want …
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