#22 closed defect (fixed)

pycryptocpp won't build on OpenSolaris 0906

Reported by: bewst Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Version: 0.5.1 Keywords:
Cc: Launchpad Bug:


Removing the '-Wl,-x' option at setup.py?rev=616#L37 seems
to fix the problem.

Change History (7)

comment:1 Changed at 2009-05-29T01:11:28Z by zooko

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Fixed by [3f757dc5c9249eac191b5afa1c1cca6d246860c1]. Thanks, bewst!

If you want to contribute access to an OpenSolaris? machine to serve as a buildbot then I will be sure not to accidentally break it on OpenSolaris? in the future.

Version 1, edited at 2014-07-22T17:50:38Z by zooko (previous) (next) (diff)

comment:2 Changed at 2009-05-29T02:33:16Z by bewst

I'd be happy to do that, at least for now.

comment:3 Changed at 2009-05-29T05:00:51Z by zooko

Great! Thanks! Here's what you do:

  1. Install buildbot -- http://buildbot.net
  2. Choose a name for your machine which will distinguish it from the following set: ['slave-gutsy-tahoe', 'faust-osx', 'zandr-64', 'buildbot.rubenkerkhof.com', 'tahoeslave-feisty', 'windows-cygwin-tahoe', 'windows-native-tahoe', 'virtual1-edgy-tahoe', 'slave-etch-tahoe', 'draco', 'gutsy', 'luther-dsl', 'windows-native', 'solaris-amd64-nexenta-nooxie', 'linux-amd64-ubuntu-hardy-yukyuk', 'slave-osx-leopard', 'nooxie-opensolaris', 'yukyuk', 'buildslave@tahoecs2/slave-speed-colo', 'mac-i386-osx-10.5-faust', 'slave1-testing-tahoe', 'mac-amd64-osx-10.4.11-ootles', 'zandr-linkstation', 'mac-amd64-osx-10.5-virtualzooko', 'slave3-dapper', 'windows-cygwin', 'slave3-dapper-tahoe']
  3. Send your buildslave name and a secret password to zooko@… .
  4. Run "buildbot create-slave $DIRECTORY dev.allmydata.com:10998 $BUILDSLAVENAME $BUILDSLAVEPASSWORD
  5. Run "buildbot start $DIRECTORY"

Optionally then set up a buildslave to test Tahoe itself in addition to the one that you just set up to test pycryptopp: make a different directory and run the same steps as above but with master = dev.allmydata.com:9987 instead of dev.allmydata.com:10998. You can use the same buildslavename and password for both.

comment:4 Changed at 2009-05-30T10:34:59Z by bewst

Still no joy. Have you set up the login yet?

2009-05-30 06:26:55-0400 [Broker,client] ReconnectingPBClientFactory.failedToGetPerspective
2009-05-30 06:26:55-0400 [Broker,client] Unhandled Error
        Traceback from remote host -- Traceback (most recent call last):
        Failure: twisted.cred.error.UnauthorizedLogin: 

comment:5 Changed at 2009-06-04T21:09:26Z by zooko

In case anyone at home is wondering about the Solaris buildbot, it is currently waiting for bewst to install darcs -- http://wiki.darcs.net/Binaries#solaris .

comment:6 Changed at 2009-08-15T08:30:41Z by bewst

OK, I got darcs installed. But I must've reinstalled OpenSolaris?, or something, since I followed these directions the first time. I've forgotten my old slave name and password, so I sent you a new one. From the looks of my current error message, as soon as you register the slave with the master, I'll be able to start the pycryptopp and tahoe bots I've just set up.

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