[tahoe-dev] Definition of health of a file/directory

David-Sarah Hopwood david-sarah at jacaranda.org
Sun Mar 24 20:35:18 UTC 2013

On 24/03/13 17:09, jake wrote:
> thanks for the clarification!  in the case where there are fewer available storage
> servers than shares.happy, would it be prudent to allow the client to place only
> shares.needed on one server and then reporting success even though the file is
> unhealthy so it can be spread to more servers during a repair operation?

That's not the intended semantics; see
Of course you can always set shares.happy equal to shares.needed, which will
have a similar effect (or at least will once
<https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/1130> is fixed).

> and btw that is a nifty bigender symbol! it is too bad the mailing list butchers
> unicode and turns it into a "?".  it just looks like you were unsure of your name :-)

The mailing list doesn't butcher Unicode; that's your font I think.
(I'm guessing it's not your mail client per se, unless there's a problem
specific to message display, because your reply is tagged correctly as
UTF-8 and preserved the bigender character in my sig.) You can probably
set your mail client to use a more complete Unicode font.

David-Sarah Hopwood ⚥

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