[tahoe-dev] the plan for 1.10

Paul Rabahy prabahy at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 01:22:10 UTC 2013

My plan for the public test grid is to lag behind any release by about 1
month. I will update the introducer and my storage node (PRabahy) about 1
month after 1.10 is formally released.

If there are any backward/forward compatibility concerns I will address
them as best as possible. I have not heard about any yet, so have no
special arrangements in place.

On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Brian Warner <warner at lothar.com> wrote:

> Just an update on the 1.10 release process:
> * we made good progress at yesterday's PyCon sprint, but weren't able to
>   get a release candidate out. We closed one of the three blockers
>   (#1767), and David-Sarah has code landed for a second (#1525) which
>   just needs some after-the-fact review. We're still trying to decide on
>   the API for the last one (#1732).
> * I need to fix some of our release infrastructure, specifically the
>   tarball builders which currently don't upload their results. My plan
>   is to push a 1.10a1 alpha tag to provoke them into making tarballs
>   with better names, then re-enable upload. If that looks ok, I may push
>   an alpha2 tag shortly afterwards so we can get a tarball that's
>   produced entirely by the automation.
> * we have a batch of docs updates to make, starting with David-Sarah's
>   initial NEWS patch. It's not as trivial to collect all the changes
>   since the 1.9.2 release because it was made from a different VCS
>   (darcs), so this may take some manual effort to be sure we've
>   documented everything.
> My hope is to get that alpha1/2 tarball made by tonight's SF meetup at
> Rackspace, and maybe to finish the decision about the #1732 API at the
> meetup itself. Then we might be able to get an rc1 out by the end of the
> week, and a 1.10 final after a few weeks of testing.
> cheers,
>  -Brian, the ersatz 1.10 Release Manager
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