[tahoe-dev] One Grid to Rule Them All

Callme Whatiwant nejucomo at gmail.com
Fri Jun 28 03:57:34 UTC 2013

Here's a set of trade-offs that I currently find intriguing:

Non-Global Use Case: The One Grid technology is opt in.  By default
tahoe-lafs behaves similar to its current incarnation.  The One Grid
implementation could conceivably even be a separate code base, interface,
process, etc...

Storage Management Policy: The design is "hands off" and does not alter
share placement, accounting, garbage collection, etc...

Efficiency / Latency / Reliability: We sacrifice all of these in favor of
the other trade-offs.

Incentives: Grid Universalist fanatics run extra software / infrastructure
to facilitate The One Grid because of their ideological brainwashing in the
education camps.

Mental Models: "It's just like normal Tahoe-LAFS, except whenever you
create a new cap, after doing so, the One Grid technology publishes details
of how to find appropriate storage servers to the magic global lookup
mechanism in the sky; when you request a cap, the One Grid technology finds
the appropriate storage servers, then it feeds the result to normal
Tahoe-LAFS to fetch or update the content."

Implementation Cost: The design is "hands off" so that it can be developed
semi-independently from Tahoe-LAFS.  Failure to release will not affect
mainstream Tahoe-LAFS users.  Its bugs and runtime costs, etc... will not
affect mainstream Tahoe-LAFS users.

Given those trade-offs, it sounds like the implementation:

a. Lives in a separate codebase from tahoe trunk.  One option is a fork,
but I'm kind of inclined to have a separate codebase and separate process
and separate web interface which then talks to a stable version of mainline
Tahoe.  We might advocate for minimal changes to mainline Tahoe to
facilitate this, such as a new web api request of the form:

"Please give me the list of storage servers currently storing $CAP on your


"Please fetch/update $CAP using this list of storage servers: [...]"

b. Implements a DHT which maps $CAP to [list of storage servers].

c. Provides a webapi that looks just like mainstream Tahoe-LAFS, but
whenever a new cap is created (by delegating to a mainline gateway), it
publishes the cap into the DHT, and whenever retrieving a cap, it looks up
storage servers from the DHT, then delegates to a mainline gateway.



One Grid to rule them all, One DHT to find them,
One Grid to transfer all data and in the Local Node erasure-decode and
decrypt them.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 8:41 PM, Callme Whatiwant <nejucomo at gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear Distributed Secure Storage fans,
> The time has come to shed our conspiratorial pretense of being nothing but
> small disparate bands of neighborly do gooders sharing storage with their
> friends.  It is time to reveal to the world our true conquest of world
> domination and announce our intent to create The One Grid to Rule Them All!
> What on earth is he talking about, you may be asking?  I'm talking about
> extending the Boring Old Web (BOW) with the ossm-sauce that is Tahoe-LAFS
> so that we can spring our despotic vision of provider independent security
> on the unsuspecting subjects of our new world order!
> Capabilities should be universally shareable in the same contexts as URLs
> in general!  This is our vision!  Dissent on this manner is heretical (but
> we will still openly accept mailing list posts, ticket submission and
> herding, documentation help, patches, and any other contributions from such
> counter-revolutionaries).
> Ok, enough thespianism:
> I personally want to be able to email or tweet or inscribe on papyrus a
> URL containing a read cap, and anyone who sees that and has Tahoe-LAFS
> version Glorious Future installed should have a reasonable chance to
> retrieve the content.
> How could this be designed and implemented?  There are myriad trade-offs
> to consider:
> Non-global use case:  A fair number of users probably want a *non global
> grid* such as for their own enterprise or collective, so it would be nice
> to avoid dumping more complexity on them.  On the other hand, if the
> features were opt in, that adds configuration complexity.
> Storage Management Policy: Some schemes would automate share placement
> using some fancy DHT related technology, but that would interfere with
> individual users and storage operators from deciding where their data lives.
> Efficiency / Latency / Reliability:  Some schemes would add a separate
> global resolution system, but this adds round trips (latency), reliability.
> Incentives: A non-global grid often has "natural incentives" (same
> company, same friend group, etc..)  A global system has different incentive
> issues.  See [1].
> Mental Models: Some schemes may be complex to understand, reducing the
> ability of many users to anticipate the effects of their choices or whom or
> what they are relying upon and for what features.
> Implementation Cost: Some schemes may be complex to implement, increasing
> the time to implement, the chance of bugs, etc...
> There are probably many other tradeoffs I fail to account for, I just want
> to get the ball rolling on this.  Let's be really clear about the costs of
> various approaches.
> As a concrete step, I propose a new ticket keyword: "globalcaps" for any
> ticket related to making capabilities globally usable.
> Regards,
> Comrade Nathan
> Grid Universalist
> References:
> [1] The Tahoe-LAFS community has a great awareness of incentive issues.
>  This is a good starting page:
> https://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/wiki/Ostrom
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