[tahoe-dev] dynamic ip

Daira Hopwood (formerly David-Sarah) davidsarah at leastauthority.com
Tue Jun 18 00:59:48 UTC 2013

On 16/06/13 19:55, erpo41 at gmail.com wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 6:17 AM, Greg Troxel <gdt at ir.bbn.com> wrote:
>> True.  The biggest challenges I see are
>>   accounting, so you can have some measure of fairness (even among
>>   friends who are trying to be reasonable, you need a way to know if
>>   you've accidentally consuemed 10x what you thought you had)
>>   expiration/garbage-collection.  There needs to be a way for old shares
>>   to go away, but it needs to be safe against normal activities, and
>>   safe against vanishing for a few months.

That should be solved by the design in

> I may be naive here, but I believe both of these problems can be
> solved by looking to traditional filesystems. Each filesystem object
> has an owner--that makes it possible and easy to do accounting. Right
> now objects are somewhat anonymous, which I don't see as an advantage
> in any of Tahoe's use cases. If you need to distribute data to people
> anonymously I think a model like Freenet's would provide better
> protection.

I disagree that objects being anonymous isn't an advantage; it facilitates
deduplication and sharing. The approach we're taking to accounting is that
leases are owned, not filesystem objects.

> The necessity for garbage collection IMHO comes from the fact that
> it's possible to lose or forget the root of a directory structure. Why
> not use the dropbox model, where it's just like another drive with a
> single root per user?

That model requires a central authority to allow recovering the root,
which we don't want (or at least don't want to require).

Daira Hopwood ⚥

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