[tahoe-dev] Weekly Dev Chat meeting notes

Zooko O'Whielacronx zookog at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 18:04:34 UTC 2013

This is going to be even more laconic and incomplete than usual, but
at least it will be *something*, unlike the last three or so Dev Chats
where I didn't send any note to the mailing list at all.

In attendance: Zooko, Andrew, Iraklis, David-Sarah, Anna, Amber,
Rohit, Oleksandr, Samuel

topic: Message-Locked Encryption, convergent encryption

discussion: wide-ranging survey of possible future compression and
encryption schemes; segment-level deduplication, segment permutation
and dummy-segment-insertion (sort of like Oblivious RAM?),
content-determined+variable-length segmentation (like bup and
backshift), Amber's idea of a novel way to do that sort of
segmentation besides using a rolling hash, pre-image-resistant rolling
hashes, Ristenpart et al.'s "Randomized Convergent Encryption",
probably more stuff that I misunderstood or forgot.

Next week will be a "Nuts And Bolts" meeting. It will be at 16:00 UTC
(8:00 Pacific) so that Brian can attend before going to work. The
topic will be "Let's close a bunch of tickets for Tahoe-LAFS v1.10
now, while we're on this videoconference together".

The week after that will *probably* be another "Tesla Coils And
Corpses" meeting in which someone, probably Iraklis, will present
their progress on one of these ideas.



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