[tahoe-dev] Monthly State of the Public Grid

Paul Rabahy prabahy at gmail.com
Sat Apr 6 16:42:52 UTC 2013

Yeah! I followed through and actually made a 2nd State of the Grid email.

As is expected, some storage nodes have come and gone. We are up to about
8-10 reliably connected nodes.

There is talk about 1.10 getting released soon. The plan is to have the
introducer lag behind the release by about 1 month. I might upgrade the
PRabahy storage node before that. From what I have heard, there shouldn't
be any conflicts between different versions. Right now I see three version
of storage nodes running (1.9.2, 1.8.3, and unknown)

I want to thank Jake Schroeder for pointing out that the public test
directory was severely unbalanced (all of the shares were on 1 node). I was
able to manually correct the issue. If anyone else notices anything
similar, just post a message to the mailing list or find me (PRab) on IRC
and we can try to resolve it.

The public test directory appears to be chugging along just fine. A couple
of large .zip files have been added, but nothing unreasonable.

>tahoe stats public:
Counts and Total Sizes:
 count-immutable-files: 7
   count-mutable-files: 14
   count-literal-files: 5
           count-files: 26
     count-directories: 15
  size-immutable-files: 23464521    (23.46 MB, 22.38 MiB)
    size-literal-files: 58
      size-directories: 14903    (14.90 kB, 14.55 kiB)
     largest-directory: 6871    (6.87 kB, 6.71 kiB)
largest-immutable-file: 10485760    (10.49 MB, 10.00 MiB)
Size Histogram:
       1-3        : 1    (3 B, 3 B)
      11-31       : 4    (31 B, 31 B)
  100001-316227   : 2    (316.23 kB, 308.82 kiB)
  316228-1000000  : 3    (1.00 MB, 976.56 kiB)
10000001-31622776 : 2    (31.62 MB, 30.16 MiB)

Currently the share directory on the PRabahy node weighs in at about 760MB.
The largest share identifier that I found was 23 (go erasure coding!). The
average share identifier I found was 2.39 which leads me to believe that
most people are using N = about 5 instead the default of 10 (my math could
be wrong or I could be mistaken here).

Warning - The public grid is a service provided for experimentation and
learning. Please do not store any important files on the public grid. The
grid may go offline at anytime without prior notice.

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