[tahoe-dev] weekly Tahoe dev call report: 2012-07-10

David-Sarah Hopwood david-sarah at jacaranda.org
Thu Jul 12 04:17:22 UTC 2012

On 11/07/12 16:17, Brian wrote:
> davidsarah: hm, now I'm not sure that it'd be safe to restore a stale
> leasedb from a backup: I'm thinking of a sequence where:
>  1: there's a soon-to-expire lease on a share
>  2: a backup snapshot is taken
>  3: someone adds a long-to-expire lease
>  4: leasedb is lost
>  5: leasedb is restored from the backup snapshot
>  6: the short lease expires, share deleted
>  7: the long lease is still valid
> So maybe backups *aren't* appropriate, or at least when we restore from
> a backup, we should still add starter leases to all shares (but also
> preserve the leases from the backup, for accounting purposes).

Consider the case where the ownership has changed. The old owner shouldn't
be able to cancel the new lease. So maybe it should just be treated as a
starter lease, in which case we don't get any benefit from restoring the
backup, I think.

David-Sarah Hopwood ⚥

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