[tahoe-dev] tahoe backup in 1.8.3, where are my files?

Marco Tedaldi marco.tedaldi at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 19:10:29 UTC 2012

Am 01.07.2012 17:29, schrieb David-Sarah Hopwood:
> On 01/07/12 14:40, Marco Tedaldi wrote:
>> Hello everyone
>> After a quite long time my backup finally finished. But now I see that I can't find the
>> files anymore (i mean, on my root cap or in the alias for the backup).
>> The directories are there (even the one with the timestamp is there) but there are no
>> files. The directories are just empty!
> On the VG2 list you mentioned you were also getting UploadUnhappinessErrors.
> I suggest looking for the cause of that first, because backup is always going to
> be unreliable if you're getting those.
Yep. I've put that in another Mail since I guess this is not closely 
The unhappiness errors cause the backup to abort. But I can just restart 
the backup afterwards (and hope, that tahoe does handle that stuff the 
right way)

>> I have had quite some trouble while doing the backup. So I had removed the backupdb.sqlite
>> more than once.
> Removing the backupdb.sqlite will effectively cause 'tahoe backup' to forget that it
> has uploaded any files, but as long as you've done another backup on all of the files
> you want, that shouldn't be a problem.
Yep. It just re-uploaded the files. But for many of them, not all the 
shares hat to be uploaded again.

>> After I have had huge problems when trying to upload all the data in one go I fallowed the
>> advice in the documentation to upload the subdirectories one-by-one.
>> All the sub directories have been uploaded successfully. Than I started backup on the
>> [parent directory], which went through all the files really quick and also finished with
>> success.
>> But after all that, I can only find empty directories in the wb UI.
>> My files seem to be there, but I can't find them.
> What's the directory structure exactly?
Digi-Pix (which is the parent folder of all my digital photographs)
and than /YYYY/YYYYMMDD_keyword/
So there is at least one folder for every day I have taken images. After 
to problems occured with just backing up Digi-Pix I started to upload 
the "YYYY" directories. For the "smaller" (earlier) ones this worked 
quite well. But for the bigger ones I had to upload the 
"YYYYMMDD_Keyword" directories one by one.

If a developer would be willing to investigate this stuff, I'd be 
willing to give access to the tahoe account.

best regards


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