[tahoe-dev] tahoe backup in 1.8.3, where are my files?

Marco Tedaldi marco.tedaldi at gmail.com
Sun Jul 1 13:40:14 UTC 2012

Hello everyone

After a quite long time my backup finally finished. But now I see that I 
can't find the files anymore (i mean, on my root cap or in the alias for 
the backup).

The directories are there (even the one with the timestamp is there) but 
there are no files. The directories are just empty!

I have had quite some trouble while doing the backup. So I had removed 
the backupdb.sqlite more than once.
After I have had huge problems when trying to upload all the data in one 
go I fallowed the advice in the documentation to upload the 
subdirectories one-by-one.
All the sub directories have been uploaded successfully. Than I starte 
backup on the parten directoy, which went trough all the files really 
quick and also finished with success.

But after all that, I can only find empty directories in the wb UI.
My files seem to be there, but I can't find them.

Any ideas how to start to investigate?

best regards


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