[tahoe-dev] Tahoe-LAFS summit?

Peter Secor secorp at secorp.net
Sat Sep 18 19:01:36 UTC 2010

I can probably scare up a subsidy for the trip as well. Let me check the 
funds that we have.


On 9/16/10 9:51 AM, Zooko O'Whielacronx wrote:
> I was just working on reading and replying to one of David-Sarah's
> letters on hash-based digital signatures, and I thought how good it
> would be to do this crypto+decentralized system design in person.
> Wouldn't it be great if we could have a Tahoe-LAFS Summit with the
> major coders able to sit around a table face to face?
> Well, Google is willing to fly up to two GSoC Mentors to California
> for the GSoC Mentor Summit at the end of October. David-Sarah: could
> you come to that? I know I've already invited you to visit California
> in November and you said you couldn't make it then so I really doubt
> you could make it a month earlier, but it is worth a shot.
> Failing that, let's keep it in mind and look out some opportunity.
> Maybe we could set up a video conference sometime! Nowadays I use
> iChat on Macintosh to do multi-way videoconferences.
> Regards,
> Zooko
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