[tahoe-dev] Benchmarks - 1.7.1 vs. 1.8.0c3

Brian Warner warner at lothar.com
Mon Sep 6 16:41:09 UTC 2010

On 9/5/10 10:00 PM, Kyle Markley wrote:

> I was surprised by the low CPU utilization even when all the nodes
> were local. The storage nodes typically ran about 2-3% utilization and
> the client node meandered around 15-30%. With everything local (and no
> network to blame) I expected high utilization. This machine has 8
> threads, so with 11 active processes there was very little contention
> for processing resources. Running everything locally helps a lot for
> large files, but interestingly seems to hurt for small files!

Hrm, that is pretty weird. I was prepared to blame the lack of deep
pipelining, but if there's only one CPU available, then it should always
be doing *something*. There are no delays or timeouts in the code.

> Is there a way to have tahoe pick a web.port instead of me specifying
> it? Or a better idea about what I could do?

Yeah, if you set web.port to "0", it will pick an unused port, and write
it into node.url, so CLI commands will work as usual. It won't read the
port out of node.url (or persist it in any other way), so it'll change
from one run to the next, but I'd bet that's sufficient for the
benchmarking tests.


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