[tahoe-dev] help! how do I manage dependencies on JavaScript code?

David-Sarah Hopwood david-sarah at jacaranda.org
Sat Sep 4 22:54:48 UTC 2010

Chris Palmer wrote:
> include the source. as it is, the dependency situation is as bad as gnumeric in the late 90s: unbuildable. pull in the rest of the dependencies while you're at it.
> then,  file bugs to refactor and eliminate features to get the code size back down.

I don't agree that bundling the dependencies would help. We do actually
already do that in the -SUMO tarballs, BTW.

Many, probably most of the build problems are due to bugs either in
setuptools, or in the packages we depend on that would not be solved by
bundling them. Bundling a package doesn't even guarantee that that copy
of it will be used, because of setuptools bugs and misdesign of the
Python path handling mechanisms.

(Note that we already tried to fix those problems; that's why we're using
a fork of setuptools. Zooko has put a lot of effort into that strategy,
but to be honest I don't think it has been particularly successful, because
setuptools was just too broken. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of an
alternative that we could start using immediately.)

David-Sarah Hopwood  ⚥  http://davidsarah.livejournal.com

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