[tahoe-dev] [tahoe-lafs] #648: collect server capacities and put them on the welcome page, output of 'df' for SFTP, etc.

tahoe-lafs trac at tahoe-lafs.org
Thu Oct 14 17:15:02 UTC 2010

#648: collect server capacities and put them on the welcome page, output of 'df'
for SFTP, etc.
     Reporter:  zooko              |       Owner:                                      
         Type:  enhancement        |      Status:  new                                 
     Priority:  major              |   Milestone:  undecided                           
    Component:  code-frontend-web  |     Version:  1.3.0                               
   Resolution:                     |    Keywords:  introducer usability statistics sftp
Launchpad Bug:                     |  

Comment (by zooko):

 Replying to [comment:1 warner]:
 > Yeah! I've been thinking of two approaches:
 >  * add methods to the existing storage server remote API to query for
 total-space, space-available, etc (basically all the storage-related
 things you can get from the current stats gatherer). Have the introducer
 (or anyone else who's interested) query this interface and aggregate the
 >  * add a new service class (to the one "storage" one that we have now),
 with a separate remote API, that just does space-available information.
 Publish this through the introducer. Have the introducer (or anyone else
 who's interested) query this interface and aggregate the results.

 Don't storage servers already announce their space available to the
 introducer and doesn't the introducer already send that information to
 each client?

 Let's see...

 Yeah, there in

                     { "maximum-immutable-share-size": remaining_space,

 So the introducers and the clients could just display that information on
 their web pages.

 In addition to that, we could get a lot more information if each storage
 server would be default automatically send its stats to a stats-gatherer
 and each storage client (or else each introducer) would automatically run
 a stats-gatherer and give the stats-gatherer's furl to each storage
 [source:trunk/docs/stats.txt?rev=4434&annotate=blame stats.txt]
 (And then the storage client or introducer would publish a web page with
 aggregated information in JSON, and then someone would write a nice
 !JavaScript tool using protovis to visualize that information...)

Ticket URL: <http://tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs/ticket/648#comment:11>
tahoe-lafs <http://tahoe-lafs.org>
secure decentralized storage

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