[tahoe-dev] [tahoe-lafs] #660: debian packages require python < 2.6, but should allow python 2.6

tahoe-lafs trac at allmydata.org
Wed Mar 11 08:02:10 PDT 2009

#660: debian packages require python < 2.6, but should allow python 2.6
 Reporter:  zooko    |           Owner:  warner
     Type:  defect   |          Status:  new   
 Priority:  major    |       Milestone:  1.3.1 
Component:  website  |         Version:  1.3.0 
 Keywords:           |   Launchpad_bug:        
 There was a time when there was a bug in Tahoe when used with Python 2.6.
 I forget the details -- maybe it had to do with Nevow using "with" as a
 variable name?  Possibly there was more than one.  Anyway, that time is
 long past, as we have a python 2.6 buildbot which has been consistently
 happy for a long time.  So our deb packages should relax their
 requirements from {{{python < 2.6}}} to {{{python <= 2.6}}} (or possibly
 {{{python >= 2.4.2 && python < 3}}}?)

 Dash can't install the deb's on Ubuntu 9.04 because some other packages
 ({{{gobject-introspection}}}, {{{compiz}}}, {{{gimp}}} require {{{python
 >= 2.6}}}.

Ticket URL: <http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/ticket/660>
tahoe-lafs <http://allmydata.org>
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