[tahoe-dev] [cap-talk] TiddlyWiki on Tahoe (was: Re: Bespin, Caja, Tahoe)

Jed Donnelley capability at webstart.com
Fri Mar 6 23:53:17 PST 2009

At 02:16 PM 3/6/2009, Monty Zukowski wrote:
>Jed, a good deal of your questions are answered in the original
>tiddly_on_tahoe announcement thread and links therein:

Thanks Monty.  I hadn't seen the above message.  When I
looked at the above thread in cap-talk and in tahoe-dev,
however, I saw a four message thread on cap-talk and a
one message thread on tahoe-dev, with nothing seeming
to pertain to my questions.

The description on the above page was helpful.
With the ability to get a working directory to test I
could at least answer my questions about deep read-only
and directory properties, so I tried to create a
directory to do some testing.

Unfortunately, when I try to "Create Directory!" from:


I get:
<class 'allmydata.mutable.common.UncoordinatedWriteError'>:

<class 'allmydata.mutable.common.UncoordinatedWriteError'>:

I experimented some with modifying the SiteTitle, SiteSubtitle,
MainMenu, and DefaultTiddlers from the page:


but that also didn't seem to help me get to a directory that
I could use for testing, through the Web interface, the
"deep read-only" property that I know (e.g. the
"transitive readonlyness" referred to on:


) the Tahoe file system has.

Any suggestions on how I might move forward with testing
to answer my questions?

--Jed  http://www.webstart.com/jed-signature.html 

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