[tahoe-dev] --node-directory flag

Alberto Berti alberto at metapensiero.it
Mon Mar 2 03:43:44 PST 2009

>>>>> "Andrej" == Andrej Falout <andrej at falout.org> writes:

    Andrej> Hello all, I find it increasingly difficult to work with
    Andrej> multiple Tahoe nodes, especially now that we have a new grid
    Andrej> to use; I wonder how are others handling this?

    Andrej> 'tahoe backup' wont accept --node-directory at all, unless
    Andrej> I'm missing something.

no, i'm using it with commands like "tahoe bakup --node-directory
~tahoeuser/.tahoe from to" even i'm sure it isn't the best setup to use
it as the sqlite backup gets created with owner set to the user
different from "tahoeuser"

    Andrej> 'tahoe cp' accepts it, and copy all files in the wrong place
    Andrej> (as I already reported)

have you opened a ticket for it? If yes, what's its number?

    Andrej> I think that environment variable might be helpful, maybe
    Andrej> something like TAHOE_NODE_DIRECTORY=xxx ?

that would be useful, yes


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