[tahoe-dev] Windwos installation problems

Black Dew blackdew at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 08:00:46 PDT 2009

I've figured out why MinGW wan't working for me - seems that contrary
to what python docs say, current versions of python and mingw still
require creating libpythonXY.a, otherwise MinGW picks pithonXY.lib
(made for microsoft compilers), gets confused by it and you get a
bunch of missing symbols like i did. I've posted
http://bugs.python.org/issue6264 - this atleast should be documented

After creating libpython26.a i've got everything compiling fine, but
now pycryptopp fails to load, just like the one from

I googled a bit and found http://bugs.python.org/issue3308 - a very
similar problem which resulted form MinGW libmsvcr90.a having a symbol
(localtime) that msvcr90.dll did not export. I guess something similar
is happening here too and will investigate more when i get some free

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