[tahoe-dev] building pycryptopp on solaris

Jonathan LaCour jonathan-lists at cleverdevil.org
Tue Sep 9 13:07:51 PDT 2008

I am having trouble building PyCryptopp on Solaris.  Here is some  
relevant information:

* Python 2.5.2, freshly installed
* uname -a returns:
   SunOS xxx.xxx.com 5.11 snv_67 i86pc i386 i86pc
* When I run "./setup.py bdist_egg" it spends a while attempting to  
build and then just exits with no error message, just a bunch of  
compiler warnings, so its hard to figure out whats going wrong. No egg  
is generated.

I have attached the output of my shell when attempting to build  
PyCryptopp, and would be happy to provide any additional information  
you might need to get this to build.


Jonathan LaCour

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